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Getting Started

There are 2 options of setup:

Quick start using Docker

  1. Install GIT, Docker and Docker Compose.
  2. Clone project by running git clone in your terminal.
  3. Open terminal in project root directory and run docker-compose up. Now you can get some coffee. Depending from your network speed and computer performance it will take 5-10 minutes.

Congratulations! Now you can open localhost:8914. First signed up user will become administrator automatically.

Advanced installation

This option will take more steps but will provide more flexibility. This is recommended option for production deployment.


Install MongoDB and Node version manager. Clone project repository. Now it is time to configure the project.


See Configuration page for all options. You can skip this section, if you running whole project on your local machine.


Install dependencies and build the project.

nvm install
npm install
gulp build

Now application is ready to start:

npm start

Please, navigate to localhost:8914 to sign up.


If you like to improve this project or just hang around welcome to Development section.